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3D Imaging Solution

Achieve a new perspective

3D Imaging Solution

3D from the surgeon's point of view
enters the surgical field at last.

3D Imaging Solution

OLYMPUS introduces the world's only deflectable tip
laparoscope delivering high-definition video in 3D.

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Supporting Faster and More Accurate Surgery

Introducing a new 3D imaging solution that provides depth perception and a precise spatial view of anatomy that cannot be achieved with traditional 2D systems. The OLYMPUS 3D solution is a fusion of advanced 3D technology which overcomes the limitations of conventional 3D systems, providing a new perspective on surgical imaging.

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OLYMPUS 3D Imaging Solution provides improved speed, accuracy and precision for surgical tasks while helping to shorten the learning curve.

Improved Speed

Average time in suturing task

Improved Speed

Task time (min:sec)

Greater Accuracy and Precision

Average number of errors in grasping task

Greater Accuracy and Precision

Average total errors

Shorter Learning Curve

Learning curve in peg transfer task

Shorter Learning Curve

Trial groups

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